February 2022 Regular Meeting

Rich Valley Township

Regular Meeting

February 8th, 2022

Roger Schmidt motioned to approve the budget proposal for 2022. John Mohr seconded. Motion passes.

Participants:  Chairman – Mark Reinert, Supervisor -John Mohr, Supervisor- Roger Schmidt, Clerk- Bailey Nordmann, Treasurer- Faye Bruckschen, Deputy Treasurer- ReNay Lentsch

Mark Reinert opened the February regular meeting at 7:06pm

The Board supervisors reviewed the meeting minutes from January’s Regular meeting. John Mohr motioned to approve. Roger Schmidt seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

GSL After Prom party, Michele Barkley and Beth Petersen approached the board for a donation of $1750.00 for the hypnotist for the GSL students. Michele Barkley notified the board that the students have been actively trying to offset the cost. John Mohr motioned to donate $1750.00 to the GSL After Prom. Roger Schmidt seconded. Motion passes unanimously. Michele Barkley will contact Brenda Popp about a receipt for the Hypnotist and will be sent via email to Bailey Nordmann to put on claims at the March Meeting.

GSL FFA approached the board about the National FFA competition. Elisabeth Schmieg and Afton Nelson gave the board a recap on their trip for the national FFA competition. Elisabeth and Afton both thanked the board for their donation to help the GSL FFA attend the Nation FFA Competition.

Bailey Nordmann presented the Resolutions for MATIT. Roger Schmidt motioned to approve. John Mohr seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

Mark Reinert emailed a financial advisor, Dave Dueshene, Eagle Strategies by New York Life out of Minneapolis. Mark Reinert will update the board in March.

Bailey Nordmann spoke to the board about the judge roster and elections this year. Bailey Nordmann asked Faye Bruckschen to be head judge, Roger Schmidt volunteered to be a judge. ReNay Lentsch volunteered to be a judge.

Bailey Nordmann presented an email from the Silver Lake Fire Department for their annual meeting on February 21st, 2022 at 7pm.

Bailey Nordmann informed the board that the website host GoDaddy is expiring in March. Bailey Nordmann brought a quote for Blue Host to host the new website. John Mohr motioned to approve Blue Host. Roger Schmidt seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

Roger Schmidt informed the board about the county meeting he attended about the burn permits.

Mark Reinert notified the board on February 23rd, 2022 at 9:30am of an environmental service meeting for following application for a mining permit.

John Mohr contacted Stuewe about the new condenser that will arrive in two weeks. John Mohr will be looking for a new refrigerator. AKO Electric touched up some smaller electrical stuff inside the hall. AKO electric will postpone outside work till the spring. Bailey Nordmann purchased a new printer for the office. Faye Bruckshen will clean the bathroom before the annual meeting.

John Mohr will postpone the playground equipment till next month.

Roger Schmidt presented information about the new dust control application being used. Roger will report next month.

John Mohr will speak with Bergman from Glencoe Township about a couple loads of gravel placed in Glencoe.

Faye Bruckschen presented the treasurers report. Roger Schmidt motioned to approve the treasurers report. John Mohr seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

Faye Bruckschen presented 5 quotes for CDs. On February 20th, 2022, Rich Valley Township, will have 2 Cd’s are maturing for approximately $250,000.00 each. Faye Bruckschen, will be transferring $500,000.00 from the Landfill Savings account to purchase a new CD. The 2 Cd’s that are maturing for 250,000.00 each will be put back into the Landfill Savings. Roger Schmidt motioned to see if HomeState Bank will do 24-months at .55% on $500,000, or if HomeState Bank will match First Community Bank at .50% for 24-months. If HomeState Bank will not match the interest rate of First Community Bank. Faye Bruckschen will move the $500,000 to First Community Bank for .50% for 24 months. John Mohr seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

Claims and disbursements were presented to the board. Roger Schmidt motioned to pay the claims. John Mohr seconded. Motion passes unanimously. John Mohr motioned to adjourn the February monthly meeting at 8:28pm. Roger Schmidt seconded. Motion passes unanimously.