Rich Valley Township News
Rich Valley Township is seeking a Clerk. Any interested resident can contact Bailey Nordmann, Clerk by phone, text, or email. Training is available.
Rich Valley Township
2025 Hauling Quote
Rich Valley Township will receive written quotes for gravel with the following requirements:
- Haul & lay 7,500 tons, more or less of class 5 gravel, township will be purchasing all gravel to be hauled.
- If using dump trucks for transfer, bid must include cost to grade immediately after gravel is dropped.
- Bids for hauling out of Meeker Sand and Gravel or bids for hauling out of Sibley Aggregates.
- Contractor to work with township board to develop a plan and cost to provide gravel to residents who request it.
- Resident gravel price agreed on shall be good until July 1st, 2025.
- Certificate of Liability Insurance.
- The board reserves the right to reject any or all quotes.
Quotes should be submitted by April 4th, 2025, and will be reviewed at the scheduled April 8th, 2025, regular meeting.
Submit written or email quote to:
Bailey Nordmann
Rich Valley Township Clerk
17996 Lace Ave.
Hutchinson MN, 55350
posted: March 17th, 2025
Rich Valley Township
2025 Dust Coating Quote
Rich Valley Township will receive dust coating quotes for a single application to approximately 42 miles of Rich Valley Township roads.
Quote requirements:
- Cost per gallon of 30% magnesium chloride – for each application rate of .27 gallons and .20 gallons per square yard for the following:
- 33 miles requiring 18-foot width coverage
- 5 miles requiring 24-foot width coverage
- 3 miles of cartway requiring 12-foot width coverage
- Cost per gallon of 38% Calcium chloride- for each application rate of .27 gallons and .20 gallons per square yard for the following:
- 33 miles requiring 18-foot width coverage
- 5 miles requiring 24-foot width coverage
- 3 miles of cartway requiring 12-foot width coverage
- Job to be completed by June 15th, 2025.
- Provide a certificate of liability insurance
- The board reserves the right to decide which product to be used upon quote review
- The board reserves the right to reject any or all quotes, to waive any irregularities and to award the quote in the best interest of the township.
Quotes should be mailed or emailed to the clerk’s office by May 9th, 2025, to be reviewed by the board on the May 13th, 2025, regular meeting.
Submit written or email quote to:
Bailey Nordmann
Rich Valley Township Clerk
17996 Lace Ave.
Hutchinson MN, 55350
posted: March 17th, 2025

Welcome to Richvalley Township
Meet your Rich Valley Township Board members. (L-R)
Mark Reinert – Chairman
Bailey Nordmann – Clerk
John Mohr – Supervisor
Roger Schmidt – Supervisor
Lois Mathews – Treasurer (not shown above)
ReNay Lentsch – Deputy Treasurer